Mashed Chickpea Salad

    1. Drain and rinse your chickpeas and add them to a large bowl. Mash with a potato masher until texture appears flaked, almost like tuna salad. You could also skip the arm workout and use a food processor for easy mashed chickpeas. Pulse until mixture appears chopped/flaked.

    2. Trim ends and finely mince celery. Chop scallions. Peel and grate carrot, then roughly chop to evenly distribute bits of tasty carrot throughout the salad.

    3. Add prepped veggies to the bowl with chickpeas, then add mayo, dijon, yellow mustard, dill, salt, and pepper. Stir well to coat.

    4. Fold in sliced almonds (or nuts/seeds of choice) and basil (as much or as little as you’d like) then adjust any ingredients to taste. Sometimes I’ll add a little extra mayo or even extra veggies/spices to the mix.

    5. Pile high on a salad, or simply dive into the bowl spoon-first – anything goes!


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Total time: 20 minutes