Tropical Green Smoothie

Blend all ingredients until creamy and delicious.  This one is perfect for a refreshing post workout meal.  Enjoy!!!

316 Calories, 6 g fat, 44 g carbohydrate, 8 grams fiber, 25 g protein

The late summer sun is sizzling, and I haven’t wanted to spend much time in the kitchen.  This doesn’t give me a free pass to neglect healthy nourishment.  My solution- smoothies!!!!  When I am heading home from a standup paddle board adventure, an early morning run or day at the beach with the kids, my favorite pitstop is the Tropical Smoothie Cafe. I am hooked on the Tropical Green (no added sweeteners of course) with a scoop of vegan pea protein.  This concoction is so fresh and fun- it screams summer!  Pairing the incredible benefits of pineapple (see below) with detoxifying leafy greens, I know I am treating my body well.  Give my Tropical Green Smoothie a try.

Benefits of Pineapple:

Bromelain – anti-inflammatory
Vitamin C – antioxidant and immune support
B-Vitamins – Energy and metabolism boost
Potassium – electrolyte balance and better kidney function