Watermelon Salad

  1. Prepare marinated onions by adding all ingredients to a jar, shaking to mix, and then allowing to marinate refrigerated for at least an hour, but over a day is better.
  2. To prepare balsamic chicken, add coconut oil or ghee to a pan and heat over medium high heat. Add chicken breasts, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Brown both sides, and then add balsamic vinegar. Lower heat to just below medium, and continue to cook until the vinegar is a thickened glaze and chicken is cooked through. Chop chicken to add to salads.
  3. Add lettuce and watermelon to plates. Add chopped balsamic chicken, and then top with chopped mint, walnuts, and marinated onions. Drizzle salads with the marinating liquid from the onions for more flavor, or add water to the pan to thin balsamic glaze, and drizzle salads with the leftover glaze.

Recipe from: https://sunkissedkitchen.com/watermelon-balsamic-chicken-salad/#wprm-recipe-container-5630

Total time: 40 minutes (doesn’t include marinating time for onions)