Single Leg Squat- 8x each side
Bear Hover with Shoulder Tap- 10x each side
repeat 3x
Single Leg Squat- Set up with a chair or step behind you. Stand on your right foot. Extend your left leg out straight in front of you. You may also want to extend your arms out in front of you for balance. Press your hips back into a squat by hinging through your hips and bending your right knee. Sit back as far as possible, aiming to get your hips parallel to the ground. Work to keep your core engaged and your chest upright throughout the movement. Squeeze your glutes as you push your right foot into the floor to stand back up. Repeat. Aim for about 6-8 reps on the right and then repeat the movement on the left.
Bear Hover with Shoulder Tap- Begin on your hands and knees. Make sure your shoulders are stacked directly over your hands and your knees are stacked directly over your feet. Dig your toes into the ground and lift your knees about an inch off the ground. This is your hover. Work to keep your core strong and evenly distribute your weight between your hands and feet. To add the shoulder tap, simply lift one hand to tap the opposite shoulder. Return that hand to the ground and do the same with your other hand. The added challenge comes with resisting rocking or twisting when your move your arm. Keep your core braced and keep the rest of your body as steady and still as possible. Perform a total of 20 shoulder taps or hold for about 30 seconds.