2- 13.5 ounce cans full fat coconut milk
1/3 cup, maple syrup or honey
4 egg yolks
3 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
Memorial Day, the unofficial kick off to the summer. What better way to celebrate the warm weather, the beach, warm weather, did I mention warm weather than with ice cream. I HATE being cold and I’m always cold. My Mattapoisett clients love working out with me in the winter because they get a good sweat going since I keep the studio “unbearably hot” or so I’m told. Let’s be clear, 62 degrees is not “unbearably hot”. Anyway….. try this lighter version of ice cream, it’s non dairy and has barely any sugar. Get creative and add some strawberries or raspberries on top, dark chocolate chips, lemon zest and blueberries. Enjoy!
1) Add the coconut milk, maple syrup and vanilla bean pod and seeds and egg yolks to a medium pot, and whisk to combine. Bring to a simmer over medium-low heat, stirring constantly until the mixture coats the back of a spoon, about 15 minutes. Be sure to not let it boil.
2) Transfer the mixture to a bowl and place in the refrigerator and chill for 30 minutes. Press a piece of plastic wrap directly on the liquid to prevent condensation. Continue chilling for 4 hours or until cold.
3) Remove the vanilla pod and mix in the vanilla extract. Pour the custard into the ice cream maker and process according to the manufacturer’s instructions until the mixture has reached a soft-serve consistency.
3) Serve immediately, or freeze in an airtight container.
*If you are eating it from the freezer, let it sit out at room temperature for about 20 minutes until it’s soft enough to scoop.
Recipe from Against the Grain