I live in a haze of constant search for ‘the next thing’. The next project, next task, next victory, next bedtime! As much as I see this resistance to complacency as a positive characteristic, I do need to remind myself to hit pause sometimes and relish in this beautiful life.
It’s all temporary. I told myself this over and over again when my daughter was a newborn and I was terribly sleep deprived. I also repeated this to myself every time I was able to embrace my beautiful, wondrous ‘baby’ and inhale her in those moments. It’s true, it’s all so temporary.
Even when everything is up in the air and you’re totally exhausted and there doesn’t quite seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel, remember this. In this very moment things are happening that will make you an advanced version of yourself. Day by day we brace ourselves for positive change and complete the tasks that will take us in that direction. With our chins up, ‘inhaling’ all the little gifts from the universe, we’ve got this.