Do you sweat when you workout? I mean truly get drenched in your own carnage? I know, most people cringe at the thought of it, but I gotta tell you – there’s nothing like a puddle of sweat to let the universe know you mean business. Not only is it physical evidence that you are committed and determined to take control of your health and fitness, but it’s also a terrific way to detox (in addition to cooling your body). You’ll be helping your lymphatic system out just by increasing the intensity a bit and getting sweaty.
You know how so much of the food we eat is high in sodium? Well, sodium bloats. It makes us retain fluids which is why it’s so bad for blood pressure. When you sweat, think about your cells ‘wringing out’ like a dirty sponge. You won’t get rid of all the nasty stuff, but it will help. To keep the cells clean; eat clean, breath clean, get plenty of rest, and SWEAT. It does the body good (and it’s sexy).