Ever have the feeling that something is about to go wrong? Like, when all is good and you get a nagging suspicion that the bubble is about to burst? I’m afraid that this suspicious feeling alone may be enough to evoke changes that lead you to thinking ‘Aha! I knew something was going to happen!’ or ‘I knew it was too good to be true!’
When all is good, I plead with you to LET IT BE GOOD!
When times are tough we anticipate that things will get better. We should do the same for when times are good. Anticipate things getting even better. Why the heck not?!
You may find yourself in a funk at times, even when things are going great, and that’s ok. It doesn’t mean you’re unappreciative or that the bubble is going to burst. It just means you’re in a funk. Sometimes the best thing to do is give it a little bit of time and let it pass. The more you try to ‘figure out’ why you’re in a funk, the funkier you can get.
We tell clients all the time: There will be times that you’ll come in to workout and feel like a total rockstar, and there will be times that you’ll come in and feel like total crap… and that’s ok! We can’t beat ourselves up about it, we just have to do our best and then anticipate things getting better.
We are not only affected by what happens in our own lives, but we are also highly affected by what happens in the lives of those around us. We must expect and allow things to be good. From good comes great.