I recently admitted to a friend that I prefer to run, “slightly manic.” Now, I don’t know if a clinical diagnosis would hold up, but it does describe this particular season of my life- Things get pretty hectic! But, I absolutely LOVE it. I know a lot of you can relate. Managing all the pieces of our lives- family, marriage, friends, and work is a lot. There are the basic logistics of it all, getting the kids where they need to be (school, sports, appointments), and getting myself where I need to be. Then there is the really important stuff; navigating emotions, nurturing important relationships, all while producing meaningful work, and of course everyone needs to eat, the car is making that funny noise again and “did someone take the dog out?”
The pace always feels slightly more frenetic as we thrust ourselves into the new routines and challenges of the school year. I have discovered the hard way (usual via flu or anxiety attack) that during these times, I need to check myself. Am I taking care of myself? Am I being consistent with the important habits that keep me running at 100 percent? When things get wild, it seems that the first sacrifices we make are those things that are SUPER important, but don’t feel particularly urgent. I am talking about sleep, drinking enough water, eating a proper meal that involves actual green vegetables, meditating and of course, working out. It’s the basic stuff, but if you don’t pay attention, a whole week or two or three can slip by and then you could realize that you’ve been sustaining yourself on coffee and haven’t had a proper workout since the charity 5K last month
It may sound super dorky, but I actually keep a checklist in my planner. Full disclosure, I don’t always check every box every day, but I really try to. It keeps the important behaviors front of mind, and gives me a heads up if I have clearly veered off the reservation. I love this crazy beautiful life of mine, and so I chose to be in charge of what’s really important. I want to feel my very best so that I can enjoy every moment and I want the same for you! Check-in with yourself. Are you treating yourself with the care you deserve? Are your habits in-line with the life you want? Are you getting your sleep, eating good food and making time to move with intention? If you have found yourself letting your “you-tine” slide, then this is your time! Your time to prioritize self-care habits is now.