December is here. The month where many of us take count of all the people we need to see, need to shop for, and need to send cards to. This is the month where so many people are so focused on not forgetting anyone that they forget to take care of themselves… or is all of this hoopla just a different sort of self care?
If we break things down to actions and rewards, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much positive all of this can actually contribute.
Decorating for the holidays
You either love it or you don’t. Personally, I love when my house is festive, but I don’t care much for decorating. So, while decorating can bring me some stress, the reward of having a festive home to relish in for a few weeks is mighty nice. Plus it makes my daughter happy, and that’s everything.
Traffic is nuts, lines are long, they never have the size or color you’re looking for… but if you’re wearing the right shoes, the number of steps you take in an afternoon of shopping could possibly be more than you do in a week otherwise. And if you do find shopping success, you’ll be adding load to your walk as you go. Just be sure to stretch when you get home;)
It’s also a healthy habit to consider shopping a process of elimination. Not just for checking people off your list, but it can also help you decide what’s actually of value for the specific people you’re shopping for. You can use it as an exercise in thoughtfulness – consider your relationships and tell that story, versus finding something that is the right price point and age appropriate. If it’s not a ‘hell yes’ maybe it’s not worth getting.
While on the topic of relationships, you may be getting ready to suffer some not-so-favorite people you only see at Christmas. The reward – you only see them at Christmas.
While it may all feel like consumerism gone haywire, it’s a good opportunity to consider those in need. If these are actions you’re going to take part in anyway, you can add a super positive and give to a kid who is facing some hard times.
There is a good and healthy connection between the act of giving and our health. When we do something for someone that we are proud of, it releases all sorts of feel good chemicals like endorphins and oxytocin. It also helps lower blood pressure – a good way to try and counter any raised blood pressure from all the other stuff;)
There is tremendous opportunity to help kids and families in the Greater New Bedford area. Every year we sign on to provide for 6 kids who need help. These are 6 people and their families who’s holidays will be that much brighter because of the generosity, compassion, and love that comes from the Boutique Fitness studios.
We hope that you will join us in this very healthy act of giving and add some more joy to this season – for you and for others.
Much love