20-30 Side to Side TouchDown
20-30 Bird Dog
5-10x, yup…keep it going as long as possible:)
A plyometric exercise followed by a stabilizing exercise is a tricky combination, a good challenge, and a super efficient use of your time.
Side to Side to Touchdown: Find a focal point and make sure to keep your body stationed in front of it while your legs hop from side to side. Hips should come down as low as possible. You want to avoid just bending forward to reach the floor – it’s a single leg squat and your butt will thank you for it!
Bird-Dog: The key here is to keep the hips as stable as possible – no swaying from side to side to offset the weight. Reach the arm and leg long along the horizon, not up toward the ceiling. Make sure to keep the hips low and inline with your shoulders and heels.