Runner’s Lunge- 10x each side
Split Down Dog- 10x each side
repeat 3-5x
Runner’s Lunge-Begin in a tall standing position with your legs hip width apart. Take a big step back, bending your left knee down towards the ground behind you. Next press into the floor with your right foot. Drive the left leg back up in front of you while simultaneously explode off the floor with your left foot. Swing your arms along your side as if you were sprinting. You can always start by omitting the jump and work up to it. Complete 10 repetitions on this side before switching.
Split Down Dog- To get into a down dog, start in a tall plank position with your shoulders directly over your hips. Shift your hips back and up, lifting them towards the ceiling. Let your arms frame your head. Press the floor away and really scoop in your abdominal muscles. Now extend your left leg behind you. Aim to create a straight line from the tip of your left foot and your head. Keep your hips square to the ground. On an exhale drive your left knee up towards your chest as you shift your entire body forward. Inhale and extend your left leg again. Continue like this for a total of 10 repetitions on this side and then continue with the same sequence on your right.