10/10 Squat with Alternating Back Lunge
20x Mountain Climbers
10 Tuck Jumps
10 Pushups
10/10 Runner’s Lunge
10/10 Split Down Dog
10 V-Sit
10 Burpees
If you’re like most people, this time of year is hectic to say the least. Not only are kids wrapping up the school year, they are also in recitals, competitions, planning for camp and/or vacations! While all of this is great and part of our social norm, it is not a good reason to fall off the workout wagon.
Here is a bodyweight routine you can use on those less than laid back days when you may not make it to the gym. 10 minutes is all you need to keep the gears in working order. No slacking for you this summer! You’re going to keep on feeling like a million bucks!