Squat to Curtsy Lunge with a pulse- 10x each side
Double Hip Extension- 10x each side
repeat 3x
Squat to Curtsy Lunge with a Pulse- Begin standing tall with your legs hip width apart. Perform one squat. Then with your right leg, take a big step back and behind your left leg. Sink down into your ‘curtsy’, really sitting into your left hip. Try to keep your hips as square as possible. Pulse once at the bottom before returning to standing. Squat and repeat. Complete 10 on the right before continuing to the other side.
Double Hip Extension- Lie down on your side with your legs and hips stacked. Bend your bottom leg at your knee. Support your head with your bottom arm. From here, engage your core and glutes to lift your hips off the ground into a modified side plank while you simultaneously lift your top leg. Lower with control. Complete 10 repetitions.