10/10 KB cleans with a back lunge
:45 Toe taps
Swinging a kettlebell has to be one of the most satisfying things! It requires core stability and control and can really get your heart rate going.
You’ll want to use a pretty heavy kettle bell. Go with one that is too heavy to lift overhead comfortably. I find that when you clean with a kb that’s too light, the cleans get sloppy. If it’s heavy, you have to execute properly to get it go where you want. No swinging too high and no slamming into your arm.
Make sure to lunge back on the same side that you’re swinging that kb. This will engage the core a lot more and you’ll benefit more form your effort. When you start your toe taps, make sure to actually tap the top of the kb. Keep the pace quick, toes light, knees high.