Curtsy Lunges- 16 total, alternating
ZigZag Plank Jump- 30 seconds
Repeat 3-4 x
Curtsy Lunges– Stand tall with your legs hip width apart. Step back and to the left with your right leg so that your thighs cross. Bend both knees as if your were curtsying. Make sure your front knee is in line with your ankle and does not protrude forward past your toes. Return to standing and repeat on the other side. Perform 8 repetitions on each leg for a total of 16 lunges.
ZigZag Plank Jumps– Start in a tall plank position with your shoulders stacked directly over your hands, your core engaged, and your legs pressed together. Begin to jump your feet in a zig-zag direction from side to side. Brace through your abdominal muscles and pike your hips up as you continue to zig-zag your feet towards your hands. Maintain control as you follow the same movement back, jumping your feet side to side and back to a plank. Continue for 30 seconds.