Split Squat with Dumbbell Swing- 10x each side
Half Kneeling Overhead Press to Windmill- 8x each side
repeat 3x
Split Squat with Dumbbell Swing- Set up in a half kneeling position with both knees bent to 90 degrees and your left leg in front. Actively dig your back toes into the ground so that your heel is positioned up. Hold a mid-weight dumbbell in your left hand. Swing the dumbbell back along the side of your body. As it swings forward press your front foot into the floor and stand up. Let the dumbbell swing back as you bend both knees and drop back down. Work to maintain a long neutral spine and tall chest, while powering the movement through your hips.Continue like this for a total of 10 reps. Half Kneeling
Overhead Press to Windmill- Begin in a half kneeling position with both knees bent to 90 degrees and your left leg in front. Actively dig your back toes into the ground and squeeze your right glutes. Hold the dumbbell at your left shoulder. Execute one overhead press. Drive your knuckles towards the ceiling, extend your arm and stack the dumbbell directly over your shoulder. Now windmill. Look up at the dumbbell. Keeping your core braced, kick your left hip back and plant your right hand of the floor in line with your left foot. Reverse the movements and repeat for a total of 8 reps on each side.