Back Lunge to Plié- 8x each side
Spider Climbers- 10x each side
repeat 3-5x
Back Lunge to Plié- Begin with your legs hip width apart. Lunge straight back with your left leg, bending both knees to roughly 90 degrees. From the bottom of your lunge, rotate to the left, opening your left hip. You are now at the bottom of a plié. Your toes may angle out and your knees should press out wide over your feet. Keep your torso tall. Now internally rotate your left hip and bring yourself back to a lunge position. Return to standing. Perform 8 repetitions like this before moving on to the other side.
Spider Climber- Set up in a tall plank position. Bring your left foot up to meet the outside of your left hand. Let your hips drop down an inch or two towards the floor to really feel the stretch. Return to plank and then repeat the movement on the right. Continue like this for 30 seconds or a total of 20 reps.