10/10 Spider Lunges
10/10 Transverse Lunges
We all know sitting is not good for our bodies. It affects a bunch of things including blood flow, posture, and hip mobility. If you work out at all, these are three key areas to make sure you nail. You need all three in order to progress and improve and stay injury free.
This combination of dynamic stretches will help you open the hips through movement and range of motion, rather than just a static stretch, which will improve blood flow and give you an opportunity to work on posture. The last Healthy Running weekend I attended, the presenter kept saying ‘There’s free speed in your hip flexors. Unlock the hips and you’ll unlock more speed.’ I couldn’t agree more!
Spider Lunge: In a push up position, make sure to keep your shoulders over your hands. Take a long step so that your foot is by your hand, flat on the floor (not on the toes), and drive the hips toward the floor for a deep stretch. Use your core to lift just enough to return the foot back – do not shift the shoulders back. Switch feet.
Transverse Lunge: Start with the feet together, posture tall. Step your right foot BACK and turn the toes and knee to the right so that when you sit into your lunge you are facing the right. Push the floor away and return to starting position. Repeat with the left foot – stepping back and turning your toes and knee to the left as you sit into your lunge.