10-15 Kettlebell Cleans (R)
10x Hinge Lunge (forward & back) (R)
10-15 Kettlebell Cleans (L)
10x Hinge Lunge (forward & back) (L)
The less time you have to workout, the more intense your workout should be. Some of the aspects of exercise that add intensity include using large muscles (like the ones in your legs), increasing range of motion, and adding power.
Power is not the same as plyometrics, although you use power when you’re ‘jumping around’. It’s more about exploding through a movement with precision and control. Cleans are one of my favorite exercises for this. You have to power through the hips to move your weight and then you control its ‘landing’ with your upper body.
The hinge lunge is great for balance and stability through a long range of motion using the large muscles of the legs. Racking the kettle bell in front provides an added challenge for your core. Keep it tight and don’t fold forward.