Kettlebell sumo squats- 6x
Spider pushups- 6x
Kettlebell curtsey lunge- 8x
Plank threads- 8x
Repeat 3x!
Kettlebell sumo squats
Standing with the feet a little wider than shoulder-width, holding your kettlbell close to your chest to keep the weight centered. Focus on keeping your knees out in the squat and weight in through the heels while sending the hips back and down.
Spider pushups
From the plank position, bring one knee out and towards your elbow as you lower into the push up position and then extending back out into the plank. Alternate from one side to the other. Focus on using your breath by exhaling with each press.
Kettlebell curtsey lunge
Grabbing your kettlebell again, in the goblet position, close to the chest. Head into the reverse lunge by crossing the leg behind. Focus on keeping your toes down and heel up on the back leg so that you can bring your knee down into the lunge position. Remember to keep your chest up.
Plank threads
Back into the plank position, rotate your lower body to allow your leg to extend through from one side to the other. Focus on really pressing through the arms and pulling your shoulders up so that you can extend your leg through and angled up towards your hands.