Kettlebell swings– 8 total
Kettebell exchange– 10 total
Repeat 3-6x
Kettlebell swings
Starting with the kettlbell positioned in front of you, hike it back like a football to get that initial swing going. Hinging back with the hips and then snapping up to full extention to get the bell to about chest height. Really squeeze your glutes as you come up to the standing position. Your arms should only be guiding the bell on it’s path, all of the power of the swing is coming from your hips, hamstrings, quads and glutes.
Kettlebell exchange
Once you’ve completed your swings, lower yourself to the floor and grab a lighter weight to work with. Knees bent, lying on your back with the weight in hand and arms extended, sit-up and alternate passing the weight from the outside – in under each leg. Focus on keeping your core braced as you lift up into position.