Mini Band Cross Pull – 10x
Squat Sit & Leg Extension – 10x (5 each side)
Repeat 3x
2 Mini bands
Mini Band Cross Pull
Starting from a seated position, legs slightly bend. Loop each band behind your feet, keeping your chest open, pull your elbows back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Make sure you are not shrugging your shoulders on this one. 😉
Squat Sit & Leg Extension
Send your hips back into that imaginary seat position, slowly shifting your weight, lift the opposite leg and extending your foot out in front of you. Come up each time in between as you alternate from one side to the other. Take your time with this one and use a chair or wall for assistance if you need it. Remember to brace your core while extending the leg out and then squeeze your glutes as your raise up to the standing position.