90-90 Hip Thrust- 10x each side
Tall Plank Swimmer- 10x each side
repeat 3x
Did you spend much of your day sitting? Try these mobility drills to correct imbalances and realign your posture. Shake off your computer bound stiffness and feel fabulous!
90-90 Hip Thrust- Set up in a seated position with your left leg bent at 90 degrees in front of you and your right leg bent at 90 degrees behind you. Engage through your core, lengthening your spine. Sit tall. Drive up into a kneeling position by firing your gluteal muscles and extending your hips. Lower with control. Perform 10 reps on that side and then switch your leg position to perform 10 more on the right.
Tall Plank Swimmer- Begin in a tall plank position with your shoulders stacked directly over your wrists and your hips square. Engage your core to create stiffness and stability through your trunk. Without rocking or twisting, lift one hand off the ground. Extend that arm out in front of you and then “swim” it around and back, returning to your starting plank position. Repeat on the other side. for a total of 10 each. Really reach with your swimming arm, exploring your range of motion, while keeping your spine neutral and your hips square to the ground. Breath.
Perform each movement 10x each side, and then repeat the entire series for a total of 3 sets each. This can be done all at once or broken up throughout the day.