Offset KB Squats
6 reps
Toe tap plank
10 reps
Repeat 3-5x
Here is a circuit that will incorporate many of your muscle groups for a great core and strength workout!
Offset KB squats
Holding one KB in the front rack position- arm up, pinky side facing out and kettlebell resting just outside the forarm, while the other KB is held down and along your side. Squat in the offset position maintaining tension throughout your core and keeping your chest from falling forward and shoulders back. When you rise up from the squat, alternate arms. Be sure to keep your heels down in the squat.
Toe Tap Planks
Walk yourself out into a tall plank position, keeping your shoulders in-line above your wrists and hips up and in-line with your shoulders. Keeping your arms locked and core engaged, alternate lifting and tapping each leg over the kettlebells. Think about squeezing your glute as you raise each leg up.