Decline Back Lunge- 10 each side
Decline Plank Jump- 20x
Decline Bridge- 20x
Straddle Jumps- 20x
repeat 3-5x
Equipment- 1 Reebok Step
Decline Back Lunge- Stand on the Reebok Step to begin. Lunge back, stepping down on to the floor behind you with one leg. Try to bend both knees to about 90 degrees. Now press into the Reebok Step with your front foot, straighten both legs and bring the your back leg to meet your front on top of the Step. Repeat this movement pattern with your other leg. Keep your chest tall and proud the entire time. Alternate your back lunge for a total of 20.
Decline Plank Jump- Begin in a tall plank position with your feet elevated on the Reebok Step. Shift your weight into your shoulders as you jump both feet in towards your hands. Land lightly and then float them right back on to the box. Really work to honor the integrity of your plank. Check-in to make sure your shoulders are directly over your hands and your back isn’t dipping. Complete a total of 20 plank jumps to finish the set.
Decline Bridge- Now flip over to lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet elevated on the edge of the Reebok Step. Press your feet into the box as you tuck your pelvis and squeeze your glutes to lift your hips up off the ground. Perform 20 bridges like this.
Straddle Jumps- Finish the circuit by standing on top of the Reebok Step. Sink into a narrow squat (similar to “chair pose” in yoga). Now jump up, spread your legs and land in a low squat, straddling the Reebok Step. Jump right back onto the box, legs narrow and sinking into your squat. Try to pause for only a second in each position, keeping your energy up. This will really develop your legs and overall conditioning. Have fun with it!