Bent Arm Raise with External Rotation 8-10x
Lateral Lunge to Hammer Curl 8-10x each side
3-5 sets
This is a simple combination with very specific instructions. It’s all in the 90 degree angles with this one, so make sure to pay close attention 😉
Bent Arm Raise with External Rotation:
Standing tall with your torso in position and core engaged, bend the arms at 90 degrees, holding a light dumbbell in each hand.
Maintain the 90 degree angle as you raise your arms shoulder height. Maintain the elbows at shoulder height and the 90 degree angle in both arms as you rotate through the shoulder, lifting the dumbbells above the shoulders.
With control, drop the dumbbells back down to shoulder height and then drop the elbows back sown by your sides.
Alternating Lateral Lunge with Hammer Curl:
Hold the dumbbells by your side as you lunge to the left – framing your bent leg with the handweights. Make sure your toes and knee are facing forward as you sit your hip back – keeping the other leg nice and straight.
As you push the floor and return to starting position, keep the elbows tight to your side as you curl the dumbbells in neutral position. Switch sides and repeat.