Tall Plank with Tricep Extension- 15x each side
Skier Squat Jump- 10 x each side
repeat- 3x
Tall Plank with Tricep Extension- This combo provides a big bang for your buck! Begin in a tall plank position with your hands positioned directly under your shoulders and your legs about hip width apart. Holding a very light dumbbell in your right hand (a water bottle works great too), bring your right arm up so that your upper arm and elbow hug close to the side of your body. Stabilize in your three-point plank and execute 15 tricep extensions on your right arm. Full straighten your arm at the end of the movement and with control bend to just 90 degrees. Work to maintain the integrity of your plank; square hips, tight core and good shoulder position while you engage you tricep with that dumbbell extension. You can reduce the intensity of this exercise, by elevating your plank with hands on a counter, chair or step.
Skier Squat jumps- We take it side to side with these squat jumps. Keep your legs hip width apart and toes facing straight ahead. Try to take off and land with both feet equally. As you build strength and power, work to increase the speed, height or lateral distance of your jumps, while still landing softly and with control.