Front Squat to Hinge- 10x each
Alternating Single Arm Arnold Press- 10x each side
repeat 3x
equipment- 1 set of dumbbells that you can safely press overhead
Front Squat to Hinge- Stand tall with your legs hip width apart and dumbbells racked up at your shoulders. Sit back into a squat. Keep your torso tall and bend at your hips and knees. Press firmly into the floor and return to standing. Now drop the dumbbells, extending your arms straight down in front of you. Hinge at your hips and “shave your legs” with the dumbbells. Keep your spine neutral and you push your hips back behind you. Lower your torso until it’s about midway between vertical and parallel to the floor. Reverse the movement by contracting your glutes and driving your hips forward to return to your starting position. Repeat this combo for a total of 10 each.
Alternating Single Arm Arnold Press- Hold dumbbells in both hands, elbows bent to 90 degrees and palms facing you. Press the right dumbbell overhead, externally rotating your shoulder, so that your palm is facing away from you at the top of the press. Keep your core braced and stack the weight directly over your shoulder. Lower with control and repeat the press on the other side. Continue like this for a total of 10 presses on each side.