Alternating Offset Squat- :45
Kettlebell Clean to Goblet Squat- :45
repeat 3x
Alternating Offset Squat- Stand with your legs hip width apart and the kettlebell at your side in your right hand. Squat back, keeping your hips square and your weight distribution even despite the offset loading. Drive your feet into the floor, and engage your glutes to extend your hips and return to standing. Carefully switch the kettlebell to your left hand and repeat. Continue like this for a total of 45 seconds.
Kettlebell Clean to Goblet Squat- Hold the kettlebell in both hands. Hinge through your hips, maintaining a vertical shin. From here, explosively drive your hips forward, while simultaneously pulling upright on the kettlebell. Catch the kettlebell at your chest, grabbing it by the horns and dropping your elbows. Now execute one squat. Maintaining a tall torso, hinge through you knees and hips, descending straight down. Drive your feet into the floor to return to standing. Release the bell back down into a hang and repeat the sequence. Continue for 45 seconds.
Repeat both moves 3x