Alternating Back Lunge with Rotational Slam- 8 each side
Stability Ball Pike- 8-10
Repeat 4x
Alternating Back Lunge with Rotational Slam- Start in a tall standing position with your legs together and the ball over your head. Lunge back with your right leg while simultaneously bringing the ball down to slam on the ground by your left leg. Be sure to maintain strength and control through your core and create the rotational movement through your upper back and shoulders, not by twisting your lumbar spine. Return to your starting position and repeat the movement on the other side. Repeat for a total of 16 lunges.
Stability Ball Pike- Roll out on a stability ball until you are resting on the the tops of the feet and shins. Hands should be directly under your shoulders. Keep your core tight and don’t let your hips sag. On an exhale, use your core and legs to pull your hips up into the air. Let your head hang directly between your arms to prevent neck strain. Pause for a moment and return with control to your starting plank position. Repeat. Build up strength until you can successfully perform 8- 10 reps.