10/10 Roll Away Lunge
15-20 Roll Away Plank: Kneeling to full
3 sets
Stability is a pretty important factor in optimal function. To move really well, there needs to be awareness of the space around you and an understanding of how your body functions in that space. Can you tell what your leg is doing when you can’t see it?
This stability lunge is a test in balance and awareness. You have to take your time and extend through the leg – not just push the ball away a little bit in fear of losing your balance. Focus and extend. Also… it’s better bare foot 😉
The roll away plank is another test of function and stability. It’s really easy to get sloppy with this one – so pay attention and extend through a full range of motion before extending your legs. Avoid ‘popping’ your legs straight and dropping back down. Use your core to stabilize as you engage your quads for a full extension in the legs. Slowly and with control, lower the knees back down to the matt.