T- Stabilizer Push-UP- 30 seconds
Split Jumps- 30 seconds
repeat 3x
T-Stabilizer Push-Up- Begin in a tall plank position, shoulders stacked over wrists and legs hip width apart. Rotate into a side plank by reaching up to the sky with your right and and rolling on to the sides of your feet. Return to your starting position and perform a single push-up. Now Rotate into a side plank on the other side. Continue like this for 30 seconds. Be sure to maintain neutral spinal alignment and core stiffness through the entire series.
Split Jumps- Step back into a lunge position, bending both knees and dipping your back knee down to hover just above the ground. From here, explode up, scissoring your legs in the air to land with your other leg back. Immediately drop down into a lunge, bending both knees and dipping your back knee down towards the ground. Repeat and continue for 30 seconds.