Dumbbell Lawnmower to Overhead Press- 8 each side
Anti-Rotation Plank with Dumbbell Pull Through- 8 each side
repeat 3-5x
Dumbbell Lawnmower to Overhead Press- Start with a single dumbbell in your right hand. Chose a weight that you can safely press overhead. Stagger your stance and hinge over toward your left foot. Be sure to keep your back flat. Dynamically row the dumbbell back mimicking the action of starting a lawnmower. Now square your shoulders over your hips and press the dumbbell directly overhead. Lower with control and repeat.
Anti-Rotation Plank with Dumbbell Pull Through- Drop down into a tall plank position with your shoulders stacked directly over your hands and legs abut hip width apart. Reach under and across your body to drag the dumbbell from one side of you to the other. Resist any twisting or rotation of your plank. Now reset and reach across with your other hand to pull it back. Repeat for a total of 16 repetitions.