New beginnings happen all the time: Every morning, every Monday, every 1st of the month, and every 1st of the year.
Today we have a TRIFECTA!
New Year’s Day, the first day of the first month, landing on a Monday. If that’s not a sign to start something exciting, I don’t know what is!
Whether you feel like you want to overhaul your life or just your wardrobe, major changes require major effort, and just the thought of that can be enough to slow you down. So let’s try to simplify so you can keep your mojo as you work toward your goals for 2024.
I would be remiss if I didn’t first mention some key items in making changes that last:
- You’ll need to get a clear idea of what you want.
- What do you need to get there?
- Who do you need to keep close?
- What/who do you need to let go of that’s holding you back?
Small steps are the most important to keep consistent.
By identifying what those small steps look like, you’ll have a better go at implementing them. Let’s take a look at fitness.
If you’re brand new to fitness and really want to make it a consistent part of your life, here’s what to do:
Nail the basics first.
Do your body a huge favor and learn what a proper squat looks and feels like. A golden rule in fitness is to never load dysfunction. Make sure you have solid form in the most basic movements before you add load or get fancy.
Check out this movement 101 video to help get you started.
Keep it reasonable for your life.
Going balls to the wall may seem like the best approach to getting what you want, but is it really? Can you maintain balls to the wall indefinitely? If it’s not an effort that’s sustainable for your life or your recovery, then it’s not the right approach. Anything else by comparison will only lead you to feel like it’s not enough – and not only is that not true, but it’s such a ball buster too.
If you’ve ever said “I did that before and it worked” but now here you are again plotting to get it done, then maybe it didn’t work? All the fasting, cleansing, bootcamps, etc… They are tools, not solutions. The only true solution is consistency. So try whatever you like (as long as it’s safe) but please don’t convince yourself that any one thing is the answer.
Fitness needs to be implemented into your lifestyle. Aim for 3 workouts per week to get you started. They don’t have to be long and arduous- The Boutique Fitness signature workout is only 30 minutes! But hey, even 10 minutes a day will rock your world!
Three workouts per week will give your body a chance to recover between workouts, and the consistency will be just right for you to see your progress week to week.
Speaking of progress, this is what it looks like:
It takes your body 6-12 weeks to start to change physiologically. The changes you feel before the 6 weeks are mostly to do with getting to know your body and how you perceive exercise. It’s about learning various levels of intensity and connecting time to your efforts.
The learning curve that happens within the first 6 weeks is absolutely incredible. You’ll feel stronger because you’re waking things up and putting them to use. As your body gets the hang of your demands, you start to push a little harder, lift a little heavier, move a little faster… and all the while, you may find you’re also sleeping better, dropping a pant size, gaining that glow 😉
After the first 3 months is when you hunker down and embrace your new routine wholeheartedly. This is not a ‘thing’ you’re doing, it’s your life. Fitness is fundamental to a life well lived and you have everything you need to see it through.
Ready to reach new levels?
If you’ve been working out regularly for some time and are ready to kick things up a notch or two, here’s where you can look for an extra push:
Check in with your basics.
How good is your squat, really? It’s not uncommon for some bad habits to creep in over time. Check your squat – can you lower past parallel without folding forward, turning your toes out, or allowing your knees to cave in? Check out the movement 101 video and make sure you’re still nailing these. If you need a little help with your squat, check out this video.
Add power, speed, resistance, or time.
Boutique Fitness workouts function mostly in :30 – :60 intervals. We find this is a perfect amount of time to get anywhere from 6-24 reps depending on the exercise. If it’s a lower repetition exercise, add more resistance or power. If it’s a higher repetition exercise, like squat jumps or mountain climbers, add more speed. If you’re doing some cardio on off days, add time and/or speed. Here’s an article I wrote last year about RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) and how you have the power to add intensity to your workouts – thus adding results.
Add something new.
Variety is a very good thing for our bodies. Strength training is a no brainer. We all need it; It’s tried and true to how we’re designed; Women especially need to keep their bones strong. Adding something new to compliment your strength training will not only keep you interested, but it can also help with your overall recovery and most certainly with your progress. Whether it’s running, cycling, rowing, barre, dance, yoga… Adding movement that makes your body feel good and helps YOU feel good, is awesome. There are plenty of options around. Don’t be shy 🙂
Add a solid recovery regimen.
If you plan to ramp things up, you must absolutely plan for your recovery. Add morning mobility to your day, walks at lunch, monthly massage, restorative yoga, etc. Whatever it may be, hard work requires serious recovery to move forward and not overtrain. And of course, sleep. Proper sleep is most important if you want to truly make gains from your workouts. Be good to your temple.
Whether you’re just getting started or you’re ready to ignite your workouts, you can’t avoid your nutrition. Proper nutrition supports your efforts and your sleep. If you would like to learn more about the healthy options that would truly compliment your life and that are sustainable, reach out to Ashley. She’s a registered dietitian, athlete, coach, super down to earth, and just awesome.
For some quick pointers on nutrition, you could probably use more veggies and better hydration.
Happy New Year to you and yours. It’s going to be great!