Category: Uncategorized


Have you ever put someone on a pedestal and then realized that they are human just like you? Often times placing someone in this designation of ‘can do no wrong’ will ultimately affect you more than anyone when suddenly there’s a glimpse of vulnerability. I recently had a conversation with my mother regarding this and […]

Most Powerful!

I can’t help but think of this like a video game. Good calories, bad calories, hidden calories, empty calories… and you. Picture yourself in a cape and bandana zapping calories by the hundreds when you workout like a beast. It makes you feel pretty badass doesn’t it? Going to a birthday party is like entering […]

Are you a Chocolate Person?

If you’re a chocolate person you must learn to live with chocolate in your cabinet. Chocolate is too wonderful of a thing to ever feel like it’s so bad. It’s ok to be a chocolate lover and it’s ok to enjoy chocolate, but there’s something about the way we talk to ourselves that lends to […]

When all is good

Ever have the feeling that something is about to go wrong? Like, when all is good and you get a nagging suspicion that the bubble is about to burst? I’m afraid that this suspicious feeling alone may be enough to evoke changes that lead you to thinking ‘Aha! I knew something was going to happen!’ […]

Everything is Temporary

I live in a haze of constant search for ‘the next thing’. The next project, next task, next victory, next bedtime! As much as I see this resistance to complacency as a positive characteristic, I do need to remind myself to hit pause sometimes and relish in this beautiful life. It’s all temporary. I told […]

When You Blow It

Honestly there’s no such thing as totally blowing it unless you have completely thrown in the towel. This is true for every aspect of our lives – not just diet and fitness. Just because you claim to be on a diet and then eat half a pizza doesn’t mean you blew it. It just means […]

To Be Free

‘Be your own kind of beautiful’. This came from a mass  produced wall decoration I found at Marshalls a couple of years ago. It’s hanging in one of the bathrooms at Boutique Fitness in NB. It’s too bad there aren’t more mass produced messages like this one. It’s a constant game of comparison which ultimately […]

Food as a Reward

Children are a great representation of the human race. They are so capable of love, learning, and are completely narcissistic. It’s all about what they want, when they want it, and if you ask them to do something they just don’t want to – there better be a reward for it. Growing up means that you […]

Give Nighttime Cravings the Boot!

Do you Struggle with nighttime cravings??? You are not alone.  This is hands down, the greatest complaint we hear from clients, and admittedly something I have battled myself. It helps to understand that, cravings are different from hunger.  Hunger starts in our stomach and is our bodies’ true physiological request for nourishment.  Uncomfortable feelings such […]

Toilet Talk

I am the mom of two young boys, so let’s just say, we do a lot of “POOP” talk at my house.  I can’t fully wrap my head around it, but for the under-seven crowd, nothing is more hysterical than calling someone a “poop butt”. So, do you see where I am going with this? […]


Do you sweat when you workout? I mean truly get drenched in your own carnage? I know, most people cringe at the thought of it, but I gotta tell you – there’s nothing  like a puddle of sweat to let the universe know you mean business. Not only is it physical evidence that you are […]

A Conscious Decision

by: Lauren Leduc Lemieux I made the conscious decision last year to eliminate I can’t from my vocabulary.  My mission was to make sure that if I was choosing to do something, or not do something, be it for me or someone else, that I was doing it for a really good reason.  I wanted to be […]